Do You Want To Play College Gigs?

Developing Artist is a management company based in Boston, Massachusettes. Developing Artist is/has represented clients like Howie Day and Barefoot Truth, Cute is What we Aim For, Virginia Coalition, Zox, and Rustic Overtones. It is a college focused booking agency. Developing Artist Booking agents have been booking artists at Colleges and Universities all across the US for almost 20 years.

Developing Artists work with up and coming artists of many genres and helping clients find cutting edge, “next big thing” type talent for their on campus shows. Developing Artists attend NACA and APCA conferences in all regions and have artists showcasing year after year.

Developing Artists is looking for solo acoustic artists, comedians and bands across all genres. Only submit if you think you are a viable act to play for students on college campuses.

Artist/Band Compensation: Varies from $500-700 for solo acts to $1,000-$3,000 for bands

Atleast two bands from Reverbnation are guaranteed selections. 
Genres Accepted: Comedy, Country, DJ, Folk, Hip Hop, Pop, Rock, Jam, and Singer Songwriter
Submission Fee: $8.00
Submissions Close: October 1, 2011
Artists Notified By: November 15, 2011 

Apply For This Opportunity.